As I am starting late in the game, my first round of Tuesday Topics begins with five songs that bring back memories.
1.) Wannabe-Spice Girls. Truthfully, I could have picked any song from this era- Nsync, backstreet boys, etc but this song really encompasses my childhood! This song reminds me of a carefree time when all that mattered was which spice girl you were (I was Sporty, which if you know me, makes no sense at all!)
2.) Good Things- The Bodeans. This song feels like home. This reminds me of driving in the car with my family, and fast forwarding my dad's Bodean's cassette tape to Good Things because it was the only song I knew.
3.) My One True Friend- Bette Midler. Like #1, I could have picked any Bette Midler song. This song reminds me of my sister. My older sister and I were a bit odd in that we spent our time listening to the Lite FM and watching Harrison Ford movies- not typical stuff for 9 and 12 year olds... but this song reminds me of my relationship with my sister before we grew up and had jobs, boyfriends/husbands, and adult responsibilities. This song reminds me of the carefree, fun, loving relationship between us. When I hear Bette Midler, I see barbies, dolls, and our shared room!
4.) For You I Will- Teddy Geiger. Ah, this song reminds me of Sean. This song came out right around the time Sean and I started dating. It was so full of excitement and joy and completely encompassed everything I was feeling at that time. When I hear this song it feels like I am 16 all over again!
5.) Die Young- Ke$ha. Now, I am not a huge Kesha fan, and this is not even a song that I know all the words too. But, for some reason this song sticks out for me from my wedding. When I hear this song, I am right back on the dance floor, surrounded by family and friends, and having the time of my life celebrating my marriage!!
Welp, that's all for this week! Join me next week for four things I have learned outside of school!