Friday, April 18, 2014

F I V E Things I am working on

I am trying to find something to hang on this wall.  During the winter months I had a snowman sign hanging and loved the fuller look on this wall.  I left the nails in the wall, hoping that inspiration would hit and I'd figure something out but right now I am at a loss.  I am hoping something catches my eye soon!  Any suggestions?

Like I said before, I am doing really well calorie counting and watching what I eat.  I would love to reach my goal weight in the next few months as well as my goal body fat %.  I have begun walking for about 20 minutes everyday during my lunch with a coworker.  It isn't much but it is a start.  I am going to begin walking more outside at home once it gets warmer and hopefully move towards running as the Hit and Run 5k gets closer.  I also really want to do some weight training.  I don't want to be a muscle woman but I am really wanting to move toward being more healthy.  If anyone uses MyFitnessPal follow me at amspagnoli.

Photography. I really enjoy it but lack technique.  I am trying to learn more.  I will never be a professional but really enjoy it as a hobby.  I am hoping to get some more practice.  I am going to do maternity photos for my sister but would love other opportunities.  Any takers??

House cleaning.  I keep the house clean and tidy but the winter months have left some areas majorly cluttered and neglected.  I am looking to deep clean the house during my spring break.  I will feel so much better when I feel like everything is fresh and the house is aired out after this cold and snowy winter!

Reading my bible.  No more excuses, no more wasted time, I need to be in the word daily.  I ALWAYS feel so much happier and stronger when I read the bible consistently but seem to forget and fall away.  God is my number 1 and I need to start showing that in my daily life more.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

I'm Blank Because...

I'm weird because...
I can't sleep with my hair up.
I feel like warm air is dirty air.
I "can't breathe" if someones hand, body, book, etc, is blocking my cool air.
I have an insane sense of smell...
I bust the strangest moves.
I like One Direction... a lot.  #TeamLouis
I have a Carmex obsession.
I sing.. loud.. and often.

I'm a bad friend because...
I hate phone conversations and probably will avoid calling if I can.
I hate change and that can effect how I feel about plans and new people.
I don't open up easily.
I am slightly awkward.

I'm a good friend because...
I document memories with photographs.
I am loyal to those I love.
I will keep your secrets.
I will open up eventually.
I will always listen.
I am slightly awkward.

I'm sad because...
I wish all of our family lived closer.
I worry too much about things I cannot control.
I don't see my friends as often as I'd like.
I don't use my camera as often as I'd like.
I don't read the bible as often as I should.
I have trouble opening up.
Our entire refund check when towards car repairs and wisdom teeth removal.
It snowed yesterday...

I'm happy because...
I have a wonderful home and husband.
My job and students are amazing.
We had a tax refund to pay for our car repairs and Sean's wisdom teeth removal.
The weather is starting to stay warmer.
My home is cozy and everything I'd ever want my first home to be.
My husband is so helpful around the house.
I have a wonderful family.

I'm excited because...
My new phone should be here any day
Our vacation to Mexico is only a month and a half away
Spring break starts in 2 days
My nephew will be here in a few short months!

Inspired by a post from: Little Miss Momma

Saturday, April 12, 2014


**Image from Pinterest
Loving: WARM WEATHER! 70 degrees and sunny and my heart is happy! I spent the day yesterday at my parents house just hanging outside with my family (and the dogs).  We played with chalk while the boys played basketball.  It felt just like it used to when I lived at home.  It is one of my favorite ways to spend the day when there is such great weather.  

Planning For: Weddings!  We are at that age where everyone is getting married and while it is expensive I love it! I am the matron of honor in my best friend's wedding in July, bridesmaid in my brother in law's wedding in June, bridesmaid in my other best friend's wedding next June, and guest at a college friend's wedding this month.   I love it.  I love weddings and I love that I can celebrate with the people who mean so much to me!! I loved my wedding but there is something SO nice about going to a wedding and it not being yours! Can't wait!

Thinking about:  SPRING BREAK BABY!! My spring break starts the 18th and I have a few projects I want to at least begin during that week.  I have major spring cleaning I want to do.  I have some pinterest crafts I want to try.  I am also going to WI for a night to help my sister clear out a room for the nursery.  Lots to think about and lots to plan!  I just need to not let my lazy side get the best of me... 

Reading/watching:  I am all about rereading and rewatching right now! Nothing new here! I do hope to wipe down our bench on our front porch and enjoy some reading in this great weather.   What are you currently reading/watching? Any suggestions???

Trying to: I am really trying to ignore my desire to SHOP! Spring dresses are out and I want them all!! My best bet is to just stay away from Kohls...   Also, a quick update: I have been doing MUCH better with my eating.  I use the MyFitnessPal app and have been really keeping track of what and how much I am eating and it has been going well.  As for working out... yikes.  I walk with a coworker for about 20 minutes during our lunch everyday at work but that is about it... sigh...

Wishing: My Iphone would come in the mail!! We just redid out plans and I am saying bye bye to my Windows Phone and entering the Iphone world and can't wait! We ordered them on Tuesday so they should be here anyday! 

Excited for: Spring Break, warm weather, and heading to WI next week to help my sister with the nursery.  While I am there, I hope to do a maternity "session" with her and her husband! She has the cutest belly and it will be a perfect time! I can't wait to use my camera again! 

Thankful for: A really great family.  Like I said earlier, I love spending time with them.  It is so fun to just relax and be outdoors and be together.  I am a huge family girl and it makes me feel so happy to be around them and just enjoy time together.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Five on Friday

Hello Friends! This is my first blog post this week.  It has been a pretty busy week! I feel like I have been going nonstop both physically and emotionally and at the same time it has been very BLAH.   I am REALLY looking forward to this weekend!

 Yesterday we went to dinner with one of my best friends and his fiancĂ©.  It was so fun catching up with them.  It has been WAY too long since we have seen them!  We were so excited and honored to be asked to be a part of their wedding party! Daniel has been one of our best friends for years and I adore his fiancĂ© Julia.  I cannot wait for their wedding next Summer.  It is even more exciting now that we get to be such a big part of their special day!

Adorable way to ask us! =)
I don't know who reads my blog but for those few readers, what would you like me to blog about? I have a lot of ideas and a few drafts all ready to be posted but what would you like to hear about? I would love your input!

I was heading home from work and drove up to grab our mail and imagine my surprise when the mailboxes were gone.  Nor even just gone, destroyed! Literally.. in pieces.  It seems like our weather is so extreme and the wind just blew it to pieces... sigh...

Sean and I finally applied for our passports a few weeks ago.  It was the last major thing we had to do to prepare for our Mexico trip. I will feel much better when we actually have them in our hands!

F I V E 
Welp, I am going to talk about the budget again.  This time, I'd like some of your advice! My last post discussed our simplified meals which we make to save time and money.  I still am finding that our grocery bills are way too high.  I am not into extreme couponing.. I utilize cartwheel, I shop at Aldi and Walmart, and we buy in bulk.  It is frustrating when I feel like we are set on food, our budget is going well, and then I look in the fridge and it is all gone! We aren't huge eaters either- both of us watch what we eat so we minimize snacking as much as we can.  What do you do to save money on groceries?