Sunday, July 5, 2015

Claire: 3 Months

My sweet girl has officially been a part of our family for 3 whole months.  She is the absolute light of our lives.  She makes us so happy and our days so full of joy!

Weeks 9-12

-Claire continues to be super smiley! She is still the most smiley when she wakes up in the morning.  Sean and I love laying in bed with her for 10-15 minutes every morning and making her smile.
-Claire went to a family party at Aunt Kelly's house.
-She joined mommy while she cleaned out her classroom/visited her students.
-Claire joined her aunt, uncles, Nana, and Papa in their basement twice while tornado sirens were going off.
-She went to the zoo with Auntie Amanda and her big cousins Giuliana and Mia.
- Claire saw one of mommy's best friends get married and hung out with Auntie Em, Nana, and Papa.  She also stayed in a hotel for the first time!
-Claire had a VERY stuffy nose (thank you nose frieda!) but it became significantly better once we started using a humidifier at night.
-She still snorts when she is upset.
She spits up quite a bit so almost always has a bib on.
-She always seems to find ceiling fans to stare at.
-She really enjoys looking at shadows.  She will stare at them and track them across a room.
-When she hears my voice she turns towards me.
-She tracks toys and objects.
-She is still exclusively breastfed.
-She is NOT a comfort nurser; she will get very mad if I try and nurse/continue to nurse and she is not hungry.
-She will take a break from nursing to smile at me.
-Mommy call's her Claire Bear, Daddy calls her Claire-a-belle.
-Her big cousin Giuliana calls her Baby Claire.
-She makes spit bubbles
-She celebrated Daddy's first Father's Day! 
- She holds on to my shirt when she is eating/sleeping
-She still needs "alone time"
-She giggles and laughs! She loves when mommy blows raspberries.
-She bears weight on her legs really well!
-She has great neck control but is still quite lazy during tummy time.
-She makes vowel sounds/grunts/ and groans.  "Talks" a lot.
-She goes to sleep for the night between 8:30-9:00.  She sleeps until ~6:00 (Sometimes waking in between for a feeding) and then after nursing goes back to sleep until ~8:00.
-She loves her stroller and car rides and rarely stays awake during them.
-She went on walks on trails with mommy and daddy.
-She has discovered her hands and often has her fists shoved in her mouth; she sometimes gags herself while doing it.
-She grabs at toys and swats at them.
-She lifts her legs up to her chest a lot.
-She "found" her feet (only once)
-Smiles at daddy when he sings to her. compliments her, and calls her a "big girl"
-Has become quite the daddy's girl!
-Enjoys being worn in Mommy's Solly Wrap.  
-Has red hair and blue eyes.
-Still sleeps with her hands by her face/raised up by her head.
And now for the picture dump!

Fun with Cousin Thomas and Great-Papa Tom

Sleeping in a hamper!

Tornado Warning!

At the Zoo with her cousins!

First time at the zoo!

She loves her big cousin Giuliana!

Play mat time is great!

Father's Day

Holding on to Mommy's shirt

Going for a walk!

tummy time

hanging with Daddy

reaching for toys

Oh! Hi feet!

My Loves!

 It is amazing how much and quickly babies grow! I can't believe how big my sweet girl is getting! Here is a quick comparison for you!

Not only has she gotten bigger, but her bows have as well =)

To finish off.. some sweet baby giggles!