Hello all! We are on #2 for Tuesday Topics! Please forgive me in advance, this post will be short. I returned from a 12 hour car ride about an hour ago and I am very sleepy... speaking of a 12 hour car ride:
Traveling # 1: Virginia
Sean's family moved to VA the summer before our senior year of high school and after we had been dating 1.5 years. Needless to say, I have made the trip to VA many times! It is always fun to spend an extended amount of time with Sean's family and always hard to leave! More details about our most recent trip to VA coming soon! =)
(Last Summer, Va)
Traveling # 2: Galena
Our trip to Galena was not a long one and it was not very far away but it was special! Sean and I got married in March and since we were both teachers, we did not have the time available to take a long and far away honeymoon. We settling on a weekend in Galena and while it was not the typical beach honeymoon- we loved it! It was the first vacation we had ever taken alone and our first few days as husband and wife!
(Galena, March 2013, honeymoon)
Where is Galena?