Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bumpdate: Weeks 20 & 21

Weeks 20 and 21 were very similar so I am combining them this week! Baby is continuing to pack on fat and I am sure getting cuter by the day!
  • Mom: Not feeling so cute these days but willing to deal with whatever as long as our baby girl is healthy!  I get short of breath while laying down/lounging on the couch which can be annoying.  My bladder is feeling smaller by the day!  I wake up many times a night and rarely feel rested. But enough complaining.. let's talk about the good stuff...
  • Baby flips, turns, wiggles, and movement:  I am finally feeling baby girl move! I felt her move for the first time the 21st.  It felt like bubbles popping right around where her feet are.  Since then I have felt her every other day or so.  I only feel her when I am laying down and paying close attention.  It feels like baby girl is swimming around.  It almost tickles.  It makes me smile every.single.time!!
  • Dreams:  Pregnancy dreams are crazy.  I am having the oddest and most vivid dreams but since most are just strange and not scary, I am enjoying them! 
  • Crying over spilled milk: Literally.  Spilling my bowl of cereal all over myself and the blanket I was using sent me into such a sadness I even surprised myself! 
  • Missing: Wine and Strawberry daiquiris. I am not a huge drinker and never have been but as everyone drank their glass of my favorite wine on Thanksgiving.. I was jealous.  Although, I substituted with Sparkling grape juice which tasted delicious! Someone posted a photo on Instagram of the most delicious looking strawberry daiquiri I have ever seen and I wanted it bad!]
  • Craving: Orange Juice!
  • Mood: Still generally very happy!  I have had a few hormonal episodes but Sean handles them like a champ and they taper of very quickly! All in all, this baby just brings me so much joy!
  • Day Dreaming: I have been a sappy mess thinking about our lives with this little girl next year.  We just celebrated Thanksgiving and are all decorated and ready for Christmas and all I can think about is enjoying this all next year with our sweet girl.  
  • Getting things done:  We cleared out the nursery except for the bed and dresser that need to be moved to my parents basement.  I am hoping to get that done soon so we can pick out paint colors and start getting the room ready for our baby girl!
  • Looking forward to:  More baby movement! I love feeling her and cannot wait to feel her more regularly and  from the outside.  I, as well as Sean, are very eager for him to feel her move as well! 

I can't believe I am already OVER halfway done with this pregnancy.  This has been such an amazing experience and all the headaches (literally), and nausea, and complaints are just so worth it.  I still have a long way to go but all I can think about is how this is the last week of my 5th month.  In a little over a month I will be in my 3rd trimester.  This baby will be here before we know it! We cannot wait to meet her!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

This Thanksgiving, we are thankful for our little baby....


We are beyond thrilled to announce that Baby McNamara is a sweet little girl! The anatomy scan was on the day I turned 20 weeks and it went perfectly! Baby girl is right on track and completely healthy! She pulled her hand up to her mouth and began sucking her thumb. That must've exhausted her because she took her hand out and yawned! She was moving, kicking, punching, and pulling her feet up to her face! She was absolutely adorable!  

If you remember my initial instinct was a that she was a girl but the week before finding out I switched to boy.  The night before the scan Sean and I both looked at each other and said, "It is going to be a girl." We just knew! Sure enough, we were right! This will be the 3rd girl on the Sean's side and the first girl on my side.

We are so excited and went out and bought her first little onesies.  I am all about the floral so you know I couldn't pass that one up! 

She does have a name but we will not be announcing it until her birth!   We are so excited to meet her and finally be able to say "she" and "her."  

We love you little baby GIRL!!!!

p.s. Week 20/21 bumpdate will be combined and posted soon! =)

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Bumpdate: 19 Weeks

Well, here I am, 19.5 weeks and late posting!  This week has been relatively uneventful.  The bump is definitely more noticeable and Saturday we will be finding out the sex of the baby!!!

How far along: 19 weeks
Maternity clothes: I am officially in maternity pants.  I can still button my old jeans but it is not flattering and they have become so uncomfortable! Maternity jeans are heaven! I have worn 1 maternity shirt but am still making use of my normal shirts! I want to invest in some more cute maternity because I just feel more comfortable in them.
Stretch marks: none so far!
Sleep: I still am waking up at least twice a night, usually 3-4 times though.  It doesn't help that I am super thirsty at night and chug water!  I have also been having nightly, very vivid, very odd dreams! 
Best moment of the week:  Starting to clean out the nursery.  I didn't get too far but just getting started made me so happy!
Miss anything: I still miss having an appetite for dinner.  Nighttime is the worst for me and dinner meals never sound appetizing.   
Movement: None yet =(  I hope I do soon! This still feels so surreal and distant and I know once I feel this baby move it will be so amazing! 
Food cravings: Juice! This craving has stuck around for a few weeks.    
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing new.  Still get nauseous at night but it is manageable. 
Have you started to show yet: Yep- I was asked if I had swallowed a beach ball and told I finally have a little belly!
Gender: We find out Saturday!  Sean and I are beyond anxious and cannot wait for the anatomy scan! We are praying for a healthy baby and hope he/she is cooperative and lets us see if there are girl or boy parts!  My "intuition" was telling me girl for a while but after a dream and lowered heart rate of baby, I have switched to think it is a boy! Sean is staying strong thinking it is a boy.  Since we both think boy it will probably be a girl but it won't matter! We are going to be so happy no matter what!!
Belly button in or out: Still in
Wedding rings on or off: On!
Happy or moody most of the time: happy most of the time!
Looking forward to: Baby movement and the anatomy scan!!! 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bumpdate: 18 Weeks

Well hello there! I am a tad late getting this bumpdate written! My weeks switch over on Saturdays and here we are, already Wednesday and now 18 1/2 weeks!

  • This is the first week where I have not felt too much nausea.  I still feel sick later at night, usually around 8-9pm but it is nothing extreme and usually I just head to bed and wake up feeling much better.  
  • My headaches have lessened a lot this week- thank goodness!! I only experience bad headaches about 2-3 times as opposed to multiple times/all day everyday.  I am extremely grateful for the reprieve from the headaches and hope they stay away!
  • I am still not feeling the baby move! My doctor is not concerned and I guess it is completely normal, especially for first time moms.  This momma is extremely anxious to start feeling the little pops or flutters, or however it will feel! This pregnancy still feels so surreal and my nerves get the best of me sometimes and I know feeling this baby move will help it all feel real! 
  • My appetite is slowly increasing- dinner is still the most difficult time for me.  Once dinnertime comes I still tend to start feeling sick again and have no desire for much of anything.  We are going to my SIL's tonight and she is making tacos and as of right now- that sounds amazing! So hopefully that feeling sticks around a couple more hours!
  • My hormonal craziness about my changing body has subsided for now.  I am starting to feel way more comfortable in my skin and accepting things as they come to me!
  • Since I am late posting this you get a special treat! I had a doctors appointment yesterday (heartbeat was 140! Lower then it has been, closer to the "boy" heartbeat range!) and was able to schedule the anatomy scan! Saturday the 22nd we will be seeing our sweet baby and hopefully (as long as baby cooperates) find out if the baby is a little miss or mister!     If you haven't done so, please humor me and look to the right and cast your vote on whether Baby McNamara is a boy or girl! If you are on your phone, scroll allll the way down and click "view web version" and you will see it! 
  • I feel like I have really popped in the last 2 weeks! People are no longer saying, " you don't even look pregnant!"  Here is a comparison- the first pic was taken at 14 weeks and the 2nd today at 18.5 weeks! 

  • Well, I will be back soon as I will be 19 weeks on Saturday! I can tell you now that this week has been rather uneventful but I will take it! I hope this week will be the week I feel this sweet baby move and please continue prayers for a healthy baby at our anatomy scan in 9 days!
See ya later alligators!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Team Boy vs Girl: Old Wives' Tales and Gender Predictions!

Well, we are a couple short weeks away from finding out if Baby McNamara is a boy or girl.  We are beyond excited! We both made the decision to find out the gender shortly before we knew we were pregnant.  Sean has always wanted to know and I tended to be more on the fence.  The planner in me prevailed and now I couldn't imagine not finding out! I know there are so many people who disagree with the decision to find out, but we are very happy with ours and can't wait to know if this baby is a sweet little boy or girl!!

There are so many old wives tales and gender predictors out there and truthfully, I don't believe any of them! But, they are still so fun!  So here we go...

  1. Bump: They say if you carry low and are all belly that indicates boy while carrying all around and high indicates a girl.  I can't tell yet if I am carrying high or low but feel as though I am carrying all around. Team Girl
  2. Heart rate: A heart rate less than 140 is a boy and higher than 140 is a girl.  Baby's heart rate has consistently been in the 150-160 range.  Team Girl
  3. Acne: If your skin clears up= boy, acne and breakouts= girl.  Team Girl
  4. Cravings: Craving salty foods indicate a boy while sweet foods indicate girls.  I crave fruit regularly but also have been craving pickles and flaming hots.  Also, I haven't had any truly intense craving at all.  I tend to lean towards salty though.  Team Boy
  5. Mood:  Moody= girl, even- tempered= boy.  Team Boy
  6. Chinese Gender Chart: Team Girl
  7. Dreams: I have had 1 dream the baby was a boy and 2 the baby was a girl.  I don't know where that leads me... Inconclusive
  8. Morning Sickness: Yes= girl, No= boy.  Team Girl
  9. Headaches: If you are having headaches you might be carrying a boy.  Team Boy!!!
  10. Baby Names: It is said that if you can only think of one gender's name that is what you will have.  We have a name for both now but had a boy name set wayyy before and it was much easier to choose so... Team Boy
  11. Linea Nigra: If the line stops at your belly button it is a girl, if it goes past it is a boy. Team Girl
  12. Skin: Drier skin indicates boy while softer skin indicates girl.  Team Boy
  13. Wedding Ring Test: Attach your wedding ring to a string, lie down, and dangle it over your belly.  If it swings side to side it is a girl but if it moves in circles it is a boy.  Team Boy
  14. Dad's Guess: Team Boy
  15. Mom's Intuition: Team Girl
Final Tally:  Team Girl: 7   Team Boy: 7

Well, we are split right down the middle! This leaves the rest of the guessing up to you! On the right hand side of my page you should see a poll.  Answer whether you think Baby McNamara will be a boy or girl and you will find out for sure in a few weeks!!!  Happy voting!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Baby McNamara: 17 Weeks

I can't believe I am already 17 weeks pregnant!  There has not been too much change since last week!  I am still dealing with awful headaches, evening/nighttime nausea, and do not have  much of an appetite.  I do not necessarily feel hungry but I will start feeling (more) nausea every couple hours which I am taking as a body cue that I need to eat something. Baby is growing and so is the belly!  

How's Mom Feeling?: As I wrote earlier, I still am not feeling too great.  I do have more energy overall but also get tired very easily.  Headaches are the norm but that doesn't make them any easier to deal with.

Bump: The bump is there! I laugh at myself when I look at pictures of myself even just 6 weeks ago that I took of my "bump" and there is basically nothing there! I am sure I will laugh at myself again a few months from now looking at this "bump"!

Maternity Clothes: Some jeans fit, not all though.  I am not wearing any maternity shirts as they tend to hang off me and make me look way bigger then I am!  I am in the market for a pair of maternity skinny jeans and leggings!  I am also trying to figure out what to do about a coat this Winter.  My Columbia still fits but it definitely getting snug!  I am pretty sure I can make it through jacket season with it but I am not too sure my winter coat will last until April!  Any moms who were pregnant during the Winter season, what did you do about a coat?

Nursery:  Sean and I are not necessarily doing a "theme."  We have decided on colors we like and are planning on getting started on that shortly after finding out the babies' gender! We are going with a neutral color wall with pops of color in the decor!    Sean has some interesting ideas of a Dragon Ball Z, Mario Kart, mural type thing which I promised to incorporate in some way, most likely a framed photo.  He is very excited about it. =) 

Gender:  I will get my script for the anatomy scan on the 11th and we will schedule the scan shortly after.  Sean still thinks it is going to be a boy and my gut lately has been telling me it is a girl.  We are a house divided and plan to create some sort of bet on who's guess is correct.  With the mention of the anatomy scan, I also want to ask for prayers.  We are so excited to find out the gender but that scan will also tell us a lot more information and I ask for prayers for a healthy baby!  

*Sometime soon I will be posting an Old Wives Tales Post soon! 

Best Moment This Week:  Nursery talk with Sean and dressing up baby for Halloween!

Fears: With the anatomy scan coming up, I have started to feel afraid that they will find something wrong but am choosing to give that to God and trust him to help us handle whatever happens.  Lately, I have also been struggling with my changing body.  Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and I have an amazing husband who is so supportive and encouraging but my insecurity still gets the best of me sometimes as I see changes that are out of my control.  I know this is what is going to happen but it can be difficult.  This may seem shallow but I wanted to be open and honest and possibly hear from others who may have struggled with the same thing.  I am so happy this baby is growing and will deal with whatever it brings me as long as the baby is healthy!  I know my hormones are just getting the best of me but I wanted to be honest about how I have been feeling lately!   

Emotions: I have been pretty okay lately! I am generally pretty happy!  I even asked Sean if I had been moody or extra hormonal (in case I was going crazy and just imagining how "happy" I had been acting), and he agreed that aside from a few minor episodes, I have been in a pretty great mood so far!

Looking Forward To: Still waiting to feel the sweet baby move and find out if the baby is a boy or girl!

Some comparison pictures for fun!

4 Weeks, 6 Weeks, 11 Weeks, 17 Weeks