I can't believe I am already 17 weeks pregnant! There has not been too much change since last week! I am still dealing with awful headaches, evening/nighttime nausea, and do not have much of an appetite. I do not necessarily feel hungry but I will start feeling (more) nausea every couple hours which I am taking as a body cue that I need to eat something. Baby is growing and so is the belly!
How's Mom Feeling?: As I wrote earlier, I still am not feeling too great. I do have more energy overall but also get tired very easily. Headaches are the norm but that doesn't make them any easier to deal with.
Bump: The bump is there! I laugh at myself when I look at pictures of myself even just 6 weeks ago that I took of my "bump" and there is basically nothing there! I am sure I will laugh at myself again a few months from now looking at this "bump"!
Maternity Clothes: Some jeans fit, not all though. I am not wearing any maternity shirts as they tend to hang off me and make me look way bigger then I am! I am in the market for a pair of maternity skinny jeans and leggings! I am also trying to figure out what to do about a coat this Winter. My Columbia still fits but it definitely getting snug! I am pretty sure I can make it through jacket season with it but I am not too sure my winter coat will last until April! Any moms who were pregnant during the Winter season, what did you do about a coat?
Nursery: Sean and I are not necessarily doing a "theme." We have decided on colors we like and are planning on getting started on that shortly after finding out the babies' gender! We are going with a neutral color wall with pops of color in the decor! Sean has some interesting ideas of a Dragon Ball Z, Mario Kart, mural type thing which I promised to incorporate in some way, most likely a framed photo. He is very excited about it. =)
Gender: I will get my script for the anatomy scan on the 11th and we will schedule the scan shortly after. Sean still thinks it is going to be a boy and my gut lately has been telling me it is a girl. We are a house divided and plan to create some sort of bet on who's guess is correct. With the mention of the anatomy scan, I also want to ask for prayers. We are so excited to find out the gender but that scan will also tell us a lot more information and I ask for prayers for a healthy baby!
*Sometime soon I will be posting an Old Wives Tales Post soon!
Best Moment This Week: Nursery talk with Sean and dressing up baby for Halloween!
Fears: With the anatomy scan coming up, I have started to feel afraid that they will find something wrong but am choosing to give that to God and trust him to help us handle whatever happens. Lately, I have also been struggling with my changing body. Pregnancy is a beautiful thing and I have an amazing husband who is so supportive and encouraging but my insecurity still gets the best of me sometimes as I see changes that are out of my control. I know this is what is going to happen but it can be difficult. This may seem shallow but I wanted to be open and honest and possibly hear from others who may have struggled with the same thing. I am so happy this baby is growing and will deal with whatever it brings me as long as the baby is healthy! I know my hormones are just getting the best of me but I wanted to be honest about how I have been feeling lately!
Emotions: I have been pretty okay lately! I am generally pretty happy! I even asked Sean if I had been moody or extra hormonal (in case I was going crazy and just imagining how "happy" I had been acting), and he agreed that aside from a few minor episodes, I have been in a pretty great mood so far!
Looking Forward To: Still waiting to feel the sweet baby move and find out if the baby is a boy or girl!
Some comparison pictures for fun!
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4 Weeks, 6 Weeks, 11 Weeks, 17 Weeks |
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