How far along?:
35 weeks!
Maternity Clothes:
I can ONLY fit in maternity clothes and some of those don't fit anymore... yikes!
Stretch Marks:
Still just the two small ones on my stomach!
Back to waking up every 1.5-2 hours a night! I go to sleep around 9:30 and am up a lot. I am always tired but not as exhausted as you would think!
Best Moment of the Week:
Setting up the crib! We had some crib drama initially- we had ordered a crib back when I was 17 weeks pregnant and it has sat in its box in our front room. We did not want to open it until the room was painted and we were ready to set it up. The second coat was put on the room and we were getting ready to set up the crib when one piece is majorly bent... ugh! We call Walmart and since it is past the 90 days return date they can't refund us AND the crib is out of stock/discontinued! Cue major tears! Luckily, after another phone call Walmart is going to refund us the full price for the crib, we ordered another from Target and it was on our porch 2 days later! It looks so pretty in her room! =)
Miss Anything?:
I miss cuddling with Sean! It isn't so easy anymore.. I tend to need a lot more space/get uncomfortable very easily!
Still lots- no more kicks and pokes though! Her movements are all rolls or body parts sticking out! Her butt stucks out often near my left side and her feet sometimes stick out under my right ribs or way over on my right side. I swear I have even felt her little toes a few times! Her movements are starting to get slightly uncomfortable but I really still love them!
Food Cravings:
Pizza hut still at the beginning of the week... and Reeses!!
Anything Make You Queasy or Sick?:
I did "throw up" a few times. Intense nausea came on a few times very suddenly and while I didn't full on puke, there was some throwing up. Right after though I am perfectly fine.
The Bump?:
Still big! My doctor said I look great but am measuring a tad small so he ordered a growth ultrasound to make sure she is growing okay and that fluid levels are good.
Labor Sign:
Still having some braxton hicks.
Belly Button In or Out?
Still in- I don't know if it will pop out but it definitely is veryyy shallow.
Wedding Rings On or Off?
Off... I miss my rings!
Happy or Moody Most of the Time?
The beginning of this week was VERY emotional for me! I had many tearful moments of feeling not ready and worried that she will come early and things won't be done. I felt like I had so much to do. I then spiraled even further feeling like I knew nothing about babies... ahh. Sean was very comforting and after praying and a few days I feel much calmer!
Looking Forward To?
My shower! My shower is next Saturday and I cannot wait! I am going to pamper myself a bit too! I have a prenatal massage certificate that Sean got me for Christmas that I plan on using Friday and am going to get a pedicure! It is much needed after this Winter! I am also loving this warmer weather coming up! I have the growth ultrasound Thursday and am really looking forward to seeing my baby girl again!
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