Monday, October 12, 2015

Claire Elyse: 6 Months

My sweet girl is 1/2 year old! My mommy heart is so conflicted with wanting her to reach new milestones and cheering her on, but also wanted her so desperately to stay little! I look at her and can't believe how lucky I am that she is mine! 

Weeks 22-26

-She is officially sitting on your own! She cannot put herself into that position but try so hard with her baby crunches!
-I swear she has the strongest legs and core! She can pull herself up to standing while holding our hands all on her own!
-She scoots by pushing her head into the floor but doesn't get very far! She is pretty content being by whoever she is with!
- She is easily distracted while eating; tv, daddy, silence, just about anything distracts her nowadays!
-She loves crinkle sounds- she will grab the wipes to crinkle them, water bottles, and her little crinkle sheet!
-She has the softest hands and feet! She loves rubbing my face and arms while we cuddle!
-She has taken to just laying on my for 30-60 minutes before bedtime.  She just cuddles and relaxes.  It is one of my favorite times with her! 
-She still thinks daddy is the funniest!!
-She rubs her eyes when she is tired
-She loves her pink stuffed pug from Nana
-She is quite the hair puller- OW!
-She enjoys being outside and watching cars go by.
-She is becoming more attached to me and will cry when I walk away or lunge toward me when I walk in the room.
-She loves playing with peoples' hands
-She went through a growth spurt and went from her 3 month clothing to 6 month clothing in about 3 days!
-She is very long! Her 6 month check up is next week and I am curious to see her stats!
- She is still only nursing or drinking breastmilk from bottles while I work.
-She started this month in 3 month clothing and size 1 diapers and ended it in 6 month clothing and size 2 diapers.
-She is not a great sleeper and still wakes up 3-4 times a night.
-This month we celebrated her big cousin's 2nd birthday, enjoyed lunch with her "Uncle" Alex and Daniel, attended a colon cancer benefit, a birthday party for mommy's friend, and visited her Great Grandma and Papa Spagnoli, as well as her Great Grandpa (Papa Tom) and Irene!

Now for a photo dump!

evening cuddles

trying out a high chair at BWW

silly face!

Go Bears! Daddy's good luck charm!


little surprise from daddy!

her face! 

her new favorite way to play on her play mat now

first time in her high chair

bad to the bone.. in a pink elephant night gown!

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