Saturday, March 12, 2016

Claire Elyse: 9 Months

Weeks 35-38

Now that Claire is almost 1 year old, I think it is time to catch up on her monthly updates… Thankfully I keep notes so I know what month to put events. 

-Claire is in 6-9 month onesies, 9-12 month sleepers, and 9 month pants. 
-She weighs 17 lbs and is 28 inches long. 
-Claire had a bought of thrush that lasted quite a while! It did not seem to bother her at all though!
-On 12/6 Claire began army crawling and 2 days later was full on speed crawling.  She is one to not slowly build up to milestones- she just decided to do it, and does it!
-Claire said “mama” while reaching for me 3 different times (since I am writing this update 2 ½ months later I can say that she refused to say it again! She lip syncs it but no sound comes out! Stubborn girl.
-She plays with phones and cords
-She pulls up to stand on everything!
-She gives high fives
-She is starting to have some stranger danger.  When someone who she isn’t familiar with approaches she becomes very shy and cuddles into whoever is holding her.
-She will crawl away when you say “I am going to get you.”
-She is a FAST crawler!
-She cruises along furniture
-She is becoming a major daddy’s girl! He says the favorite part of his day is coming home from work because she LIGHTS UP when daddy comes home!
-She can be easily occupied with water bottles
-She met Santa and did not cry.  She did not smile either, just stared (surprise surprise).
-She went on a long adventure downtown! We couldn’t find parking for zoo lights, got stuck in traffic, and ended up at a pizza place in Oak Park way past her bedtime.  She was a trooper though!
-We celebrated Christmas with my mom’s side of the family
-She dances when music plays (bounces up and down)
-She “sucks in” and makes a funny noise
-She LOVES her cousins!!
-She celebrated Papa’s birthday!
-She talks in her sleep just like daddy
-Her newest cousin Colton was born and she can’t wait to meet him!
-We had to lower her crib to the lowest setting
-She does baby yoga unintentionally (downward dog)
-She celebrated her first Christmas!
-She enjoyed time with her honorary aunties and uncles on New Year Eve! She did not want to miss out on the fun and woke up at 11:30 and refused to go back down! She rang in the New Year with us happy as a clam!
-She is busy busy busy!
-We converted the reading room into her playroom.
-She thinks its so funny when people brush their teeth.
-She blows raspberries on my stomach
-waves hello and goodbye
-babbles a ton!
-wakes up so happy!
-Claire is officially a “part-time bed-sharer”  I am very happy with this aspect of our relationship.  She takes her naps in her crib and starts the night in the crib.  When she wakes up for her first nighttime feeding, I bring her into bed with me.  Not only do I believe this has helped my milk supply, but also helped our bond! I struggled (and still do) greatly with working full-time and being away and the nighttimes cuddles are just necessary sometimes.  I am a strong believer in nighttime parenting! 

Christmas Morning selfie


38 +6 weeks in (labor day) 38 +6 weeks out


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