In honor of the new year, I'd like to take a look back on 2014...
January (Seriously lacking pictures from the beginning of the year...)
-We kicked off the new year with my brother and his girlfriend! It was a quiet and simple night but I tend to prefer it that way! =)
-Shortly after New Years, my parents moved out of my childhood home and into a new home about 4 minutes way. We helped them move and promptly got stranded 4 minutes from home when a major snowstorm hit! Thus began the winter of snow storms, 50 below, and snow days!
-We spent time with family, and celebrated many birthdays! Both my brothers, multiple aunts and uncles, my grandma, and both Sean and I have birthdays in January so there were MANY celebrations!
-Sean and I went to a Bulls game. We have been to quite a few in the past and always have so much fun when we go!
-Sean was playing in an intramural basketball league so a couple nights a week were spent in a gym watching him play!
-We found out that my sister's baby was going to be a BOY! Yay!
-Sean and I planned a great Wintry date downtown, and as usual when we plan something that is supposed to be romantic, it didn't work out! We attempted ice skating in Millenium Park but decided against the 3 hour wait to enter the rink! We walked around and ended up in Miller's Pub! It ended up being a delicious, super fun, dinner in the city!
- We celebrated 1 year of marriage and 8 years of dating! We went away for another "supposed to be romantic but was kind of a disaster but still amazing" weekend!
-We also visited some of our best college friends and caught up!

This appears to be the lost month! I did not blog about what I did, nor did I post many pictures!
-I DO know that we attended the wedding of other college friends and loved catching up with everyone!
-I also got an Iphone this month which means more pictures! =)
- We celebrated both of my Papa's birthdays.
-I did my very first maternity shoot with my sister!
-We celebrated Mother's day with my entire family together and a White Sox Game!
-Little do you know, but this is the month Sean and I decided we were ready for a baby!
-I attended the bachelorette party of one of my best friends!

-Bring on the busy! I finished my 2nd year of teaching and said good bye to an amazing class!
-My mom and hosted my sister's baby shower! We were so excited to meet that baby boy and celebrate my sister!
-Sean and I left the county for the first time and went away on our first big trip together! Mexico!
-Shortly after getting back from Mexico, we headed to Virginia for my BIL's wedding and a great visit with family!

-We started July with the Hit and Run 5k with my family.
-2 weeks into July my nephew was born!
-I did a small photo shoot with my nieces.
-I was the matron of honor in my best friends wedding.
-Oh, and on July 31st, I found out I was PREGNANT!
-Morning sickness kicked in just in time to leave for our Spagnoli family vacation to Door County. Regardless, it was a blast! It was so difficult to keep our news a secret!
-Sean started a new job and I began my 3 year teaching and 2nd year teaching first grade.
- We saw our baby on an ultrasound for the first time and announced our news to our families!
-We celebrated our niece's first birthday and enjoyed Sean's family being in town!
-My mom celebrated a birthday!
- Weannounced our pregnancy to the social media world
- The month began on a sad note with the loss of Sean's grandfather.
-We visited an apple orchard in WI and a pumpkin patch with just us 2.
-We had our 12 week scan where baby was measuring right on track and looking oh so cute!
- I jumped back into blogging!
- We celebrated my little sister's birthday at BD's Mongolian Grill.
-I couldn't wait and put up our Christmas decoration (except the tree) about 2 weeks before Thanksgiving!
-We had our 20 week anatomy scan where we saw a beautiful healthy baby and found out we were having a GIRL!
- My parent's hosted Thanksgiving so we enjoyed great time there and announced to the social media world that the baby was a girl!

- We put up our Christmas tree and officially began the holiday season!
- I ended up being monitored in labor and delivery for possible contractions.
-We visited Santa with our nieces.
-We attended the annual Spagnoli Christmas Party.
- We headed downtown for our annual trip to Daily Plaza and Bella Bacino's.
-We celebrated Christmas at my Papa Tom's.
-Sean's family came in town and we spent great time with them!
-We celebrated my dad's Christmas Eve birthday, made cookies and coffee cake, and relaxed.
-We had our 2nd married Christmas morning and our last Christmas just us 2! We went to my parents to exchange gifts and spent the rest of Christmas at my sister-in-law's house.
- We had a sewage leak in the basement and spent 2 nights at my parent's house.
-We had our first annual Spagnoli cousin's night!
-We registered for the baby!

Needless to say, 2014 was very good to us! We made so many great memories, spent wonderful time with friends and family, and began the journey of becoming parents! I know 2015 will be great adventure for us and I cannot wait to see the blessings it brings! Happy New Year everyone!