Saturday, October 18, 2014

15 weeks =)

Wow! I can't believe I am already 15 weeks pregnant! Baby is now moving further and further upwards and making me lose my breath much easier.  Baby is the size of an orange!! I love when the fruit comparison is a fruit I can actually recognize! So, how has my 15th week treated me?

  • I am still experiencing round ligament pain.  It is generally felt on my right side.  It isn't the worst and mostly hurts when I sneeze or bend a certain way.
  • Headaches have come back with a vengeance this week. I have self-diagnosed them as tension headaches.  Laying down with an ice pack does very little.  Sleep seems to be the only escape from them.
  • I have been craving kiddie cocktails this week! Oddly enough I have grenadine in my pantry so I have been making one daily.  They are just missing a cherry which I forgot to buy at the store... other cherry flavored items have popped into my mind as sounding quite delightful: cherry icee, red vines, red starbursts... yum!!!
  • Popcorn has been something I have been able to not only eat without feeling sick but WANT my whole pregnancy so far.  None of that low cal plain stuff either, I want the extra butter kind!! 
  • Even though the last 2 points were about food, I really haven't had much of an appetite.  I am actually eating less then I did before I was pregnant.  When I eat I make sure I am getting good amount of protein and healthy foods.  I'll talk with my doctor and I am not starving myself by any means, just not very hungry.  Along with that, I sometimes am reminded that I need to eat.  My body signals are all off- I don't get nauseous, shaky, and grumbly tummy like I usually did when I was hungry, now I just get extremely light headed.  
  • I feel as though these last few weeks have flown by! Sean ifeels as though it is going slower now! I think the beginning was slow enough considering all I did was lay on the couch debating whether or not I was going to puke (tmi?).   Either way, we are both loving reaching new milestones in this pregnancy! Sean is picking out our child's Halloween costumes for next year and I am imagining the fall season with a 6 month old!  We can't wait!
Overall, this has not been a very eventful week.  I am hoping the headaches let up soon and I continue to get more energy back since I feel the initial "energy surge" has gone away.  I am very grateful for having what seems like a very mild and easier pregnancy then some.  

Any questions?? Just ask!!  


  1. Hey for your headaches try filling a bucket or the tub (I use the bathroom sink lol) and submerging your hands and feet in warm water and an ice pack or any frozen vegetable pack on the back of your neck. The combination helps blood move from the head to the feet and relieves the pain. This doesn't work for everyone, but it definitely helps me.

  2. (Make the water as hot as you can stand, without burning yourself)
