When I think about my ceremony, I think about Sean and me. I did not spend a lot of time planning the "look" of the ceremony. The hall was virtually plain. My dad and family friend built an arch for us that my mom and I decorated with flowers and drapery. We lined the aisle with candles and purple vases with daisies. It was pretty and simple.
My main focus for the ceremony was that it was special and meaningful. Music was very important to me because I felt it really set the mood. My brothers, also groomsmen, played the canon as the bridesmaids walked in. My brother also arranged a version of "Stolen," by Dashboard Confessional to play as I walked in and as everyone left the ceremony. It was extremely special to have my brothers a part of this part of the ceremony.
Like I said in part 2, my walk down the aisle was still incredibly special, even though I had seen him beforehand.
My uncle and two aunts each did a reading. I loved our readings and loved having my family members a part of our ceremony.
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-12- Two are better than one,because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up. Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.)
(When I say I Do
Matthew West
There must be a God, I believe its true.
Cause I can see His love, when I look at you.
And he must have a plan for this crazy life.
Because He brought you here and placed you by my side
You see these hands you hold, will always hold you up
When the strength you have just isnt strong enough
And what tomorrow brings, only time will tell
But I will stand by you in sickness and in health
Take my hand and take this ring
And know that I will always love you through anything.
And as the years march on like a beating heart
I will live these words 'til death do us part'
Cause I have never been so sure of anything before
Like I am in this moment here with you
And now for better or for worse
Are so much more than only words
And I pray everyday will be the proof
That I mean what I say when I say 'I do.)
(May your mornings bring joy and your evenings bring peace.
May your troubles grow few as your blessings increase.
May the saddest day of your future
Be no worse than the happiest day of your past.
May your hands be forever clasped in friendship
And your hearts joined forever in love.
Your lives are very special,
God has touched you in many ways.
May his blessings rest upon you
And fill all your coming days.)
I do not like being in front of a room full of people, being stared at, or being the center of attention. A blog is about as much as I can take, nice and safe behind a screen. When I was standing there with Sean, I would start to feel everyone watching me and start to get nervous. I would get that awful feeling in my stomach but then I'd look at Sean and I'd feel him rubbing my hand with his thumb (he did this the whole time), and it would ground me. It was just us there, Sean and me, getting married.

I researched a lot of different things that can be done during a ceremony and one really stuck out to both of us. We did not really like the idea of lighting a candle or doing a sand ceremony because it held no meaning for us. When I came across the love letter wine box and showed it to Sean we both agreed it was perfect! We both wrote letters to each other explaining how we were feeling leading up to our wedding day and how we got there and sealed them and placed them in the box with a bottle of wine. During the ceremony we locked the box. The box is to be opened when we are going through a very difficult time and need to be reminded why we got married, or on our 5th anniversary. We should have practiced locking it beforehand because we both had a difficult time! =)

Right after, our pastor joined us at the table and we signed our marriage license. My pastor suggested this and we loved the idea of signing it during our ceremony, in front of all our family and friends. While locking the box and signing the license, a song called Unity played. This song was written by my brother and prerecorded by both my brothers. It was so amazing and special and I love that I have it to listen to whenever I want!
My absolute favorite part, "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride!"
Stay tuned for part 4: PARTAYYYY!!!!
For my married friends, what did you do to make your ceremony extra special and memorable?
For my unmarried friends, what is a tradition you would like to incorporate into your ceremony when that day comes?