Sunday, March 23, 2014

O N E Year!

1 year ago I made the best decision of my life and said, "I do" to Sean.  I am not going to get overly sappy because frankly, who wants to read that? You already know how much I adore my husband and think he is the best person in the world... so why type it out for you? =)  I am simply going to tell you a few things that I love about Sean and that make him a really awesome person...

Dear Sean,

I love that you take out the garbage for me.  Even if the bag is only half full, if I tell you I can't stand the smell, you will still throw it away (even though you hate to waste the space).


I love that you help me clean the house.  You might not care about the dust on the side table or the crumbs on the floor but you know I do, so you clean it up anyways.

Easter- First married holiday!

I love that you love my cooking and baking.  I am by no means the worlds best cook or baker but you make me feel like I am.

Warrior Dash

I love that you keep me accountable with our budget and are making a strong effort to save us money.

St. Louis

I love that you drive everywhere because you know I'd rather not. You also let me fall asleep on almost every car ride.

Lake Sara

I love that you take care of our home inside and out.

Our first BBQ at our home

I love that you share  your interests( extremely random info, math, weird jokes, etc) with me.

My cousin's wedding

I love that you get me, and if you ever don't, you make a strong effort to understand.

6 month anniversary

I love that you chose to start this crazy adventure with me 1 year ago.  I love that you said, "I do."

Love, Alyssa

For recaps on our wedding click:

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