How Far Along: 28 weeks! 7 months and hello 3rd trimester! Some people say 27 weeks is the 3rd trimester, but it is unanimous that 28 weeks is definitely the 3rd trimester so here I am! The last leg of this pregnancy! It really is crazy how quickly time goes by! I can't imagine how fast it will fly when the baby is actually here! Let's hope someone figures out how to slow down time before then!
Stretch Marks: The teeniest 2 little marks near mt belly button.
Sleep: I fall asleep fine, wake up 3-4 times, and wake up feeling exhausted. My pregnancy pillow is still my best friend!
Best Moment This Week: Definitely seeing our little girl in 3d! Sean and I went and got a 3d ultrasound and little girl was sound asleep! She sleeps with her mouth open like both of us. She had her head smooshed between my placenta and uterine wall which made it hard to get a whole face shot! She kept her hand by her face and her little feet crossed at the ankles! She has my nose and my chin. She sleeps like her dad, meaning nothing can wake her up! The tech tried so hard to wake her up and get her moving but nothing seemed to stir her. Hopefully that is a trait that sticks around when she is born =). She has chubby cheeks and full lips! She is head down currently and I hope she stays that way. The tech showed us that she already has a full head of hair! I was sure she was going to be a baldy! That does explain all the acid reflux though! I also discovered that I do have an anterior placenta like I suspected which explains why it took so long for me to feel her move!

Complaints: Back aches and acid reflux. Very tired! I was told I have started waddling and Sean informed me that I have been waddling for a couple weeks now... I am also quickly realizing that I need to remember I am pregnant! We were with Sean's family for a few nights and the first night I spent the majority sitting on the floor playing with my nieces. Later that night I paid for that with awful back pain! Since then I have made sure to sit on couches or at least with some sort of cushion if I am on the floor! I have tried to relax more and take peoples offers to let me sit.
Movement: Baby girls movements are slowly turning into rolls and turns. It is really nice since we had the ultrasound and know her position because now I know what I am feeling! She has head butted/swiped my bladder a few times and it is so uncomfortable! Those are the only movements where I feel the need to tell her to stop! She is usually very active around 9 am, especially during the work week!
Missing...: Not too much!
Craving: Still strawberry shakes although I haven't indulged this week!
Belly Button: Still in!
Emotions: Still mostly happy!
Looking Forward to: My birthday coming up soon! We celebrated Sean's birthday and now mine is next! Next year we will be celebrating our birthdays with a 9 month old! I can't wait!
This was a pretty mellow week! My brother-in-law and sister-in-law made an impromptu trip to Illinois and it was so nice to see them! We spent Thursday and Friday night hanging out with them and my nieces. Saturday was Sean's birthday. We had a 3d ultrasound in the morning and then headed to my parents. It is also my brother's birthday so we celebrated both! My sister came into town with my nephew so I loved on him a lot! Later that night we went out with my brother and had a bunch of friends meet us! I was the only preggo in the bar but I was happy to be there to help my brother and hubby celebrate! It was fun to have so many friends together too! Sunday I woke up and cuddled with my nephew! After church I went with my sister and mom to finish my registry and finished the night at our small group. Week 28 wasn't too different from previous weeks but it is 1 week closer to meeting our baby girl and I cannot wait! It will be so amazing to experience family and life with her in it!
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