Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hello 2015 & January Goals

I am not one to make New Year's Resolutions; mainly because I don't keep them.  I would love to eat healthier, work out more, learn to knit/crochet, read the bible more often, etc.  I have goals, I have things I should do, and I will try and do them, but making goals for an entire year is just a little beyond my reach.

Before I begin to talk about my life in 2015, I'd like to reflect on a few things I learned in 2014.

  1. My face will get fat during pregnancy. Before pregnancy, I was working out to be healthier, eat better, and be happy with my body.  I was at a really good place.  For some crazy reason, I thought that although everything else would expand, that my face wouldn't.  Even though for my entire life, my face has been one of the first places that shows weight gain, I thought pregnancy would be different. Nope! Chubby Face is back and ya know what? It is what it is! I am embracing it! 
  2. Spending the money and leaving the country is worth it! Whether is is 4 days or 10, get out of the country! Sean and I are not huge travelers but we did go to Mexico last summer and it was such an amazing experience and I am so glad we did it before we started our family!
  3. Planning a trip to Mexico and anticipating 2 or less snow days isn't smart. It works out in the end, but when we planned our trip, I thought there was no way that we would have more than 2 snow days.  After one of the worst Winters in a long time, I realized that was not very smart!
  4.  Waiting until we both felt ready to have kids was worth it.  I have had baby fever on and off since about 3 months after we got married.  Now, I had baby fever but I also wanted to wait and loved the time we had just as a couple.  When we finally decided to start a family, we prayed a lot, we gave each other time to make sure we truly felt ready, and we decided together that it was the right time.  We were both on board and I am so happy about that! It made the entire process easier, more fun,  and extremely exciting! This is not saying that spouses can't be afraid, hesitant, or surprised by a pregnancy and it won't be wonderful; this was just my experience and I am really happy with how it happened. 
  5. Being an aunt is amazing!:This year I got to spend a lot of time with my 2 nieces.  I love watching them grow and building a relationship with them! My nephew was also born and watching him grow has been amazing! 
  6. Communication (and attitude) makes all the difference: What a huge difference it makes when I bring up something calmly and express how I feel and what I really mean.  No code breaking, no hidden messages.  Just clarity.  Sean and I had a wonderful growing year and are moving into 2015 stronger and better than ever!  We established ourselves as a couple and I am excited to establish ourselves as parents!
  7. Speaking up is worth it: This is a lesson learned and a lesson I am still learning.  I have been working on speaking up and asking questions, expressing my feelings, and asserting myself more.  When I do, it often pays off! Sean is constantly encouraging me to be more assertive and I have been trying! It is not natural for me and makes me very uncomfortable but I have seen that it is really worth it!
  8. God will always provide and his timing is perfect.  I am a planner and like to try and decide how my life is going to work and the best way that things should happen.  I have learned time and time again that I am not the one in control of my life; God is.  God is in control and that is the way it should be. 
I am sure there are many more lessons I learned from last year, some I am aware of and want to keep to myself, and others I am sure shaped me and changed me in ways I am not even aware of.  Regardless, I am looking forward to seeing what 2015 will bring me!


Maybe it is because of my profession, but January 1st does not always seem like the, "new year, new me" time.  A "new year" usually feels more "new" around August when the next school year begins.  Regardless, I decided I did want to do something a little different this year and since year long resolutions are not my thing, I have decided to set monthly, simply, manageable, goals.   So here are my January Goals:

1.  Read the bible daily!
2.  Choose a daily devotional for Sean and me.  
2. Get the bed out of the guest bedroom (soon to be nursery)
3.  Get paint samples and finalize paint colors.
4. Paint the nursery and set up the crib.

Most of my goals this month are centered around the nursery but that is what is on my mind! I have a major sense of "there isn't much time left" and really want to get started on setting everything up! 

I will discuss if I was successful with accomplishing these goals when I post my goals for next month! 

Ta ta for now!

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