Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday Topics: 4 Things I Learned Outside of School

Life. Love.Lauren
Time for another round of Tuesday Topics!   I am supposed to write 4 things I learned outside of school.  Obviously this is difficult, but I am going to give it a try!

 1.) The importance of family and pets.  While in school, generally middle-high school, it seems like your whole world is your friends.  My experience in particular was one that had me consumed with fitting in and never being left out.  As I left school, I quickly learned that while friends are important, family is everything.  I included pets in this because I consider pets a part of the family unit.  Truthfully, a home feels empty without a furry creature to love.

2.)  Just be yourself.  This sounds so cliché but it is true!  I went through way too many years of forcing myself to be someone else to fit in.  I wasn't happy, I didn't truly know myself, and my relationships weren't real.  Someone may not like something, they may talk about you, they may judge you, but you need to be yourself to be happy.  Now, that does not mean YOU should be judgmental  rude, unkind because it is "who you are," but if you are someone who laughs at nerdy jokes, LAUGH! If you are someone who likes alone time, be alone for a bit!  Be yourself!

3.)  It doesn't matter what other people think about you.  This is closely connected with just being yourself but I wanted to keep it separate because while it is something that I learned a long time ago, I still need to remind myself 10 times a day.  Other people's thoughts are my weakness.  It is why I just now am starting a blog; I was so worried what other people would think and their judgement. I second guess my decisions, the things I say, the things I do.  So many times a day I need to stop and remind myself, "It doesn't matter."  If you are happy, if you are doing things that would make God happy, then who cares what others think! I struggle with this, so help remind me every once in awhile! =)

4.)  Things are always better with God in the center.  Relationships, careers, free time, EVERYTHING is better with God in the center.  Sometimes I forget this and think that I can do just fine on my own, but when I remember, when I open up my bible, open my heart to God, and start talking to Him and living for Him again, my world brightens up even if I didn't realize it was dark.  Everything is better with God in the center, EVERYTHING!

(My Baptism, 2010)

Well, that's all for Tuesdays Topics! Next Tuesday I will be blogging about three of my favorite quotes!

Some things to look forward to:

-Wedding Memories Part 2
-Photography is a hobby of mine and I am excited for 2 "sessions" coming up- toddler and engagement! Whoo Hoo! Expect a blog post about those =)

One last thing, there are a few different ways you can follow my blog:
1: Wait until I post an update on facebook

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2.) follow me by email- type in your email address and get an email update when I post
3.) Follow me on bloglovin- this is a great way to show me you are a fan of my page.  This is really great if you read multiple blogs, it is almost like a facebook newsfeed for blog posts!


  1. Great post! Sometimes I wonder why it takes us so long to truly figure out who we are and to be ourselves, but I am convinced that it truly gives us insight to be the best we can be!

  2. I agree with everything!!


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