Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on Friday


This weather is ah-maz-ing!!! Love it! Not only is it 50 (feels like 70 after this hideous winter) but it is Friday and today was quite the day so this weekend is much needed!!  I loved driving home, sun shining, windows down (at least until I started going faster than 40), coat on the seat next to me, with my music blasting (not really blasting because I have old lady ears but pretty loud).  I had all my windows open in my classroom.  The air smells fresh and clean.  I love it!


Hit and Run 5K! I literally just signed up for my second 5k.  Last year we did  the Warrior Dash, this year, Hit and Run! It is pretty much WipeOut in 5k form! Can't wait! Both my brothers, my brother's gf, my dad, and Sean will be doing it with me.  It will be a blast! I guess that means I need to get back to the gym!


Speaking of the gym, I want to work out.  I truly do.  I want to be healthy and in shape but I also REALLY want to come home from work and sit on my butt.  Laziness at it's finest... I know the best thing for me is to get my lazy butt off the couch and into the gym but jeesh is it hard to get motivation sometimes.  What do you do to motivate yourself to put down ice cream and get into the gym?


I am a Carmex fanatic.  I always have 1 with me and leave a few spares around for when(yes, when because it is inevitable) I misplace one.  I tried using the tube kind but I am not a fan!!  I need to get to the store (Target was out of the stick...) so for now I am use Burt's Bees.  It's nice, it's minty, and it gets the job done better then regular chapstick but it is still not Carmex.


Budget.  Sean and I have been living on a budget for a few months now (I voiced my opinion on this a few weeks ago). It is working great and we are saving money but we have been trying to figure out how to incorporate some spending money within the budget.  We both have things we WANT but don't NEED and are not really sure how that fits within the budget.  If you have a budget, where do you include money for some fun spending??

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