Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Team Boy vs Girl: Old Wives' Tales and Gender Predictions!

Well, we are a couple short weeks away from finding out if Baby McNamara is a boy or girl.  We are beyond excited! We both made the decision to find out the gender shortly before we knew we were pregnant.  Sean has always wanted to know and I tended to be more on the fence.  The planner in me prevailed and now I couldn't imagine not finding out! I know there are so many people who disagree with the decision to find out, but we are very happy with ours and can't wait to know if this baby is a sweet little boy or girl!!

There are so many old wives tales and gender predictors out there and truthfully, I don't believe any of them! But, they are still so fun!  So here we go...

  1. Bump: They say if you carry low and are all belly that indicates boy while carrying all around and high indicates a girl.  I can't tell yet if I am carrying high or low but feel as though I am carrying all around. Team Girl
  2. Heart rate: A heart rate less than 140 is a boy and higher than 140 is a girl.  Baby's heart rate has consistently been in the 150-160 range.  Team Girl
  3. Acne: If your skin clears up= boy, acne and breakouts= girl.  Team Girl
  4. Cravings: Craving salty foods indicate a boy while sweet foods indicate girls.  I crave fruit regularly but also have been craving pickles and flaming hots.  Also, I haven't had any truly intense craving at all.  I tend to lean towards salty though.  Team Boy
  5. Mood:  Moody= girl, even- tempered= boy.  Team Boy
  6. Chinese Gender Chart: Team Girl
  7. Dreams: I have had 1 dream the baby was a boy and 2 the baby was a girl.  I don't know where that leads me... Inconclusive
  8. Morning Sickness: Yes= girl, No= boy.  Team Girl
  9. Headaches: If you are having headaches you might be carrying a boy.  Team Boy!!!
  10. Baby Names: It is said that if you can only think of one gender's name that is what you will have.  We have a name for both now but had a boy name set wayyy before and it was much easier to choose so... Team Boy
  11. Linea Nigra: If the line stops at your belly button it is a girl, if it goes past it is a boy. Team Girl
  12. Skin: Drier skin indicates boy while softer skin indicates girl.  Team Boy
  13. Wedding Ring Test: Attach your wedding ring to a string, lie down, and dangle it over your belly.  If it swings side to side it is a girl but if it moves in circles it is a boy.  Team Boy
  14. Dad's Guess: Team Boy
  15. Mom's Intuition: Team Girl
Final Tally:  Team Girl: 7   Team Boy: 7

Well, we are split right down the middle! This leaves the rest of the guessing up to you! On the right hand side of my page you should see a poll.  Answer whether you think Baby McNamara will be a boy or girl and you will find out for sure in a few weeks!!!  Happy voting!!!


  1. HAHAHA #5 seems questionable :p
    As much as I would love to have a little baby boy on the McNamara side, I think it's a girl. No matter what I promise to love them and spoil them like crazy! :)

    1. I'm with you on the girl! As for #5 (brat!) I double checked with Sean that I wasn't crazy and thinking I was generally happy when I wasn't at all haha he agreed that I have been very even tempered 😀
